If your carpets have started to smell, you may be tempted to head to the nearest supermarket to pick some carpet deodorising powder. After all, it seems like a great, cost-effective, short-term solution, and it does the job effectively.
But have you ever considered the possibility that these powders may actually be damaging your carpet, and potentially putting your family’s health at risk?
While there are many pros for using these products, there are also many cons against using them. We’ve outlined some of them below.

They May Aggravate Allergies and Breathing Issues
If you suffer from allergies be aware that carpet deodorising powders may trigger them. Teary eyes, coughing and a runny nose a few of the symptoms people with allergies may experience when using these products. The same applies to people who have breathing conditions such as Asthma. If any of this applies to you and you absolutely must use one of these products, then maybe get another family member to apply and vacuum up the carpet powder while you go out for the day. Or alternatively employ the services of a professional carpet cleaning company, which can give your carpet a thorough deep clean, using safe solutions that are less likely to trigger allergies.
They’re Not Good For Pets
If you have pets, make sure they are kept out of any rooms that are being treated. Although many of these powders have been deemed “pet safe”, there have been many reports of pets getting sick upon coming in contact with the powder. The powder tends to get into every nook and cranny, so it’s not hard to believe that some of the powder will be missed during the initial vacuum cleaning.
The Powder Particles Become Trapped In The Carpet
The idea behind carpet deodorising powders is pretty simple. You shake the deodorising powder over the carpet and let it sit for a bit before vacuuming it up. However, there is one small problem with this idea that often gets overlooked. Most residential-grade vacuum cleaners are not strong enough to suck out all of the powder. Over time this powder builds up deep within the carpet fibres, adding to any dirt that has already accumulated over the months and years.
In conclusion, we live in an age where we’re told that many questionable things are healthy for us, but often these claims don’t hold up under scrutiny. We would advise anyone who purchases a carpet deodorising powder to check the ingredients, and purchase the brand that contains the least amount of chemicals.
If you’d like to talk to one of our experts about a carpet odour issue, give us a call.
Would you like to find out more about how to deal with issues that commonly affect carpets in the home, such as candle wax or oil stains? Then continue to explore our blog for more informative articles.