Carpet Cleaning

How to Remove Oil Stains from your Carpet

Whether it’s a child staining your carpet with greasy oil while playing or a careless guest who has wiped his oily soles on your carpet, the last thing you want is to go through the excruciating pain of having to clean it. Not only is this a mundane thing to do, but also it requires so much effort and time to get rid of these greasy stains. For that very reason, we are here to give you an easy and straightforward guide to clean your carpet or a rug with minimal effort. 

Step 1: Dab, Dab, Dab

Now, the first thing to do to take a greasy oil stain off your carpet is a relatively easy task. All you have to do is take an extra-absorbent paper towel and gently press on the stain. Make sure your paper towel is a good one, and also, don’t move your towel to other areas of the carpet as it is very likely that you will stain the tidy areas of the rug too. Slowly and gradually, keep dabbing until there is no oil visible on your towel. This step will make sure that all the oil on the surface is taken out and we are ready for the next step, i.e., deep cleaning. 

However, if you don’t have an extra absorbent towel, don’t bother to find it. You can take a butter knife and gently scrape the carpet to take out the oil. You need to do this with extra caution because if you don’t, you will end up ruining the fibres of your gorgeous carpet. Keep doing this thoroughly until you find the knife dry and there is no grease left on the surface. 

Step 2: Magic of Baking Soda

The second step is also relatively easy. It would help if you had baking soda in your home, and then you have to cover the stain with the soda adequately. If you don’t have baking soda, you can also use corn starch as it works as a brilliant substitute. Make sure you cover the stain with a healthy amount of baking soda or corn starch, as this step, if successful, is going to save you from executing the next step.

Let it sit for a couple of hours, preferably 5 to 6 hours, and then vacuum your carpet. By vacuuming, you are not only making your carpet look clean but also sucking the oil out of it with the help of the vacuum cleaner. 

If this step works out well for you and the stain is completely vanished, then hurrah! You don’t need to move on to the next step. However, if the stain is still quite visible, or if you are cleaning the carpet after a few days after it got stained, you are going to have to move on to the next step.

Step 3: Last but not least!

Take a spoonful of vinegar, two cups of water (should be warm), and a dishwashing liquid. Give the three ingredients a good mix and slowly pour onto the oil stain. It will be great if you can take a brush and thoroughly clean the color; however, for the lack of time, you can also just let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe with a sponge to clean the lather out of your carpet. 

Step 4: Call us Instead

These steps will work in most cases, but no two carpets are the same so there will be occasions where professional help will be required. If you find yourself in that situation, give us a call to utilise our professional carpet cleaning service in Northampton! We’ll clean and deodorise your carpet, and we can get rid of a number of stains ranging from oil to makeup stains. Contact us today for a free quote!

Carpet Cleaning

How to get Makeup out of your Carpet

Most people have been there: you’ve decided to plop down on your carpet to do your makeup and your hand slips. Maybe you dropped eyeshadow onto your rug, or you might have left lipstick stains behind. Your local carpet cleaner in Northampton is always on hand,  but if it’s a small stain that you feel you can resolve yourself we’ll cover some of the  available solutions .

Before you bring out a handy cleaning solution, be sure to know your carpet. Test any cleaning liquid on a hidden area before spreading it and make sure to find the correct method for you. After finishing the cleaning job, fill a clean spray bottle with water and spritz the area to rinse it and blot up any remaining moisture. This is to assure that your carpet is being taken care of while you restore it to its original glory. Bring your carpet back to life with these tricks.


If you’re dealing with spilled blush, eyeshadow, and finishing powders, the stain needs to be removed sooner than later. By allowing time to settle the stain, it can spread or set and create unfixable problems.

  • Remove as much of the powder as possible, using a butter knife to brush the excess onto a paper towel.
  • Mix ¼ of mild dishwashing detergent with one cup of lukewarm water.
  • Wet a clean cloth in the solution, blotting at the stain gently and giving the detergent time to break up the stain.
  • Using a clean cloth, blot at the area repeatedly until the color is transferred from the carpet to the rag.
  • Rinse with clean water and blot up the excess.

Creamy Products

Whether your favorite cream blush has made its mark on your carpet, or a beloved lipstick is forever remembered, pesky oil-based products can often cling to carpet fibers leaving an oil stain, that can be a pain to get rid of.

  • Remove excess product using the back of a butter knife onto a paper towel.
  • Mix ¼ teaspoon of white distilled vinegar with one cup of warm water.
  • Using a clean cloth, blot at the stain and wait a few minutes for the solution to take action.
  • If the stain is still visible, place a white paper towel over the area and use a clothing iron at its lowest setting to remove the mess. Repeat until the stain disappears.


When it comes to long-wearing liquids like those water-proof eyeliners and the foundations that withhold all effects, chemicals are needed to get rid of the stains on the carpet. Luckily for you, it’s not all that difficult when you have the right ingredients to get your carpet back to looking new and clean.

  • Combine one tablespoon of ammonia with one cup of water.
  • Gently blot at the stain with a clean cloth, making sure to lift the stain with each passing.
  • If the stain decides to stay, use dry cleaning solvent or unflavored vodka to help lift it.
  • If need be, you can also apply clear waterproof makeup remover or cream-based makeup remover to the area, letting it stay for a few minutes before blotting it off the carpet.

Nail Polish

If you’re taking the time to do some self-care at home, painting your nails is probably part of the equation. It’s not the easiest thing to get out of your carpets, but not impossible. Follow these guidelines to get your carpet back to its squeaky-clean look.

  • Using a clean cloth, dab at the stain with pure acetone nail polish remover.
  • Use a clean corner of the cloth, dampened with acetone after every few blots, to prevent the nail polish from spreading to other areas.
  • Remove the acetone residue with ¼ teaspoon of dishwashing detergent mixed with one cup of water.

When it comes to getting beauty products out of your carpet, your first instinct is to go at it with a cloth and some bleach. Although tempting, there are much better ways to get at the pesky stains in your rug. Using the ones above, we hope that you’re able to bring your carpet back to its original fluffy glory with some simple solutions that’ll get you through your self-care day.

Carpet Cleaning

5 Quick Tactics on How to Fluff up Your Carpet

Nothing makes our homes trendier than a carpet.  In fact, carpets are so popular that statistics show that more than 51% of homes are carpeted.

However, after going through stains, snagging from pet claws, or dents from unmoved furniture, it is no secret that your carpet will start to look flat and worn out.

Fear not, as there are easy ways to make your carpet fluffy again. Other than brushing and vacuuming, you can use vinegar, ice cubes, or just iron the carpet to make it look brand new.

Keep in mind, before you start the fluffing process; make sure you vacuum the carpet to remove any dust and debris.

So, without further ado, let’s look at the 5 quick tactics on how to fluff up your carpet.

How to Fluff Up Your Carpet Using White Vinegar

Vinegar is a great chemical substance that not only brings back life to your carpet but removes odors and loose stains from it. So, for the best fluffy results, here are a few steps to follow.

  • Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a clean spray bottle
  • Spray the flattened area of the carpet but avoid soaking it
  • Let the mixture sit on the carpet for 10 minutes if the dent isn’t deep and 30 minutes for deep impressions.
  • After the time is up, gently blot out as much liquid as possible using a white cloth. Make sure you tap gently on the area unlike rubbing on it.
  • Next, get a spoon and hold the edge directly against the area of the carpet you intend to fluff. Press it into the carpet and scrape it across the carpet in straight lines.
  • Then, brush the area with a boar hair brush to even out the carpet
  • Finally, allow the carpet to dry properly for 2- 3 hours.  In case it’s sunny, you can take it outside to speed up the drying process.

How to Fluff Up Your Carpet Using an Iron

Another quick tactic to deal with a dented carpet or the small areas under your furniture legs is an iron and damp cloth. This method loosens up the carpet fibers making them fluffier.

Steps to follow are:

  • Start by vacuuming the carpet to get rid of dust or any debris
  • Heat up your iron to medium and low heat, then, dampen a clean white towel and place it over the flat area.
  • Hold the iron a few inches above the towel and gently move it around in a circular motion for one minute.  Be careful not to press the iron directly on the towel to avoid damaging the carpet fibers.
  • After the minute is gone, set the iron safely aside and remove the towel from the flat area.
  • Making sure the area has cooled down a bit, rub it with your fingers so the fibers can spring back up again.
  • If you aren’t satisfied, repeat the process again until the area becomes fluffy again. Do note, when dealing with a more stubborn area you can scrap the carpet with the edge of a spoon. 
  •  If that doesn’t work, use a fork or a bristle brush to comb the flat even more.
  • Finally, after it’s all dry, vacuum the area to achieve a better carpet fiber lift.

How to Fluff Up Your Carpet Using Ice Cubes

Apart from making drinks more refreshing on a sunny day, ice cubes can also be a great remedy when it comes to fluffing your carpet. Here are simple steps to dealing with any furniture indentations.

  • First, get some ice cubes from the freezer and set them on the dented area of your carpet. If you dealing with multiple dented areas, place at least one ice cube on each dent. Moreover, if the dents are more than two inches place more than one ice cube to cover the whole area.
  • After placing the ice cube on the dents, allow it to melt naturally. This might take twenty minutes to an hour depending on the room temperature.
  • Once the ice is completely melted, use a clean white towel to soak up the water.  Press gently so as not to dent the carpet again.
  • Finish up by rubbing the dented area with your fingers until the carpet fibers stand up. If this doesn’t give work fully, scrape the carpet with the edge of a spoon or comb the carpet with the tines of a fork.
  • Don’t forget to use a soft brush to even up the carpet once you have fluffed back up all the dented areas.

How to Fluff Up Your Carpet Using a Blow Dryer

A blow dryer is another great tactic to deal with any dents or matted areas on your carpet. Here’s how to fluff up your carpet using a blow dryer.

  • Find a new spray bottle and fill it with warm water
  • Spray the flattened carpet with the water ensuring you cover every dented area. Just make sure not to soak up the area to avoid ruing the carpet.
  • Get your blow dryer and set it to a low setting, and a high fan setting.
  • Hold the blow dryer a few inches away from the carpet and move it back and forth across the flattened area.
  • When the carpet is almost dry, rub your fingers on the area to straighten the fibers up.
  • If the area isn’t well fluffed, use a brush with stiff but soft bristles on the carpet.

How to Fluff Up Your Carpet Using a Carpet Rake

Just like the above tactics, a carpet rake comes in handy when you want to fluff up your high pile carpets. A simple tool to use, these steps will surely get you the best fluffy results.

  • Start by vacuuming the entire carpet to get rid of dirt and debris.
  • Take the carpet rake and start pulling gently in one direction making sure not to stab too deeply to avoid loosening the fibers.
  • In the second round, use a pull and push motion to further restore the carpet’s fluff.
  • Vacuum the carpet once again to ensure the carpet is completely fluffed up. 

Final Words

No matter how dented or matted your carpet is, it is possible to keep it fluffy at all times. All you need is to use one of the 5 quick tactics carefully and you are good to go.  

Don’t forget, regardless of the tactic you use to fluff up your carpet, make sure to vacuum and steam clean your carpet frequently.

What’s more, to prevent dents under the furniture, regularly move the furniture around or just put protective barriers under them. Keep your carpets looking fresh and clean with our Northampton based carpet cleaning company. We can remove a variety of stains from makeup stains to coffee stains, we’re waiting for your call!


Carpet Cleaning

Dried Coffee Stains on Carpet: What to Do?

Even when you’re extra careful, spills can happen when drinking hot coffee from your mug. While we’re always on the end of the phone for anyone looking for carpet cleaning in Northampton, we have created a guide for anyone who wants to remove the stain themselves.

  A fresh stain is always the easiest to remove, so a dried coffee spill on the carpet may necessitate some additional effort to clean up. As soon as you see the stain, gather some cleaning supplies from around the house and attack it.

Problem: I spilt coffee on my carpet and it has since dried

Why is it so difficult to remove a dried coffee stain from your fluffy carpet? Coffee has tannins that are more difficult to remove when y dry and have had time to set. In addition to that, if you have your coffee with milk, that adds protein into the equation, which makes the stain even more challenging to remove. But the dried coffee stain on the carpet can be removed if you know how to go about it.

Prepare the Area by Spraying Water

First and foremost spray the stain with water and blot it with a cloth, ensuring you don’t overwet the carpet as this is what causes that lingering wet carpet smell. You may find that some of the stain transfers onto the cloth. Blot away for as long as the transfer from carpet to cloth continues.

If water alone isn’t enough to remove the dried stain, you’ll have to use a cleaning product. Coffee stains can be removed using a commercial cleaner, but many everyday household items are just as good at removing them. 

Before testing a cleaning product, test it on a hidden area of the carpet first. Do this whether the cleaner is commercial or homemade, because this will inform you of whether the product will damage the carpet or not.

You’ll need the following household items to remove the stain. Dish soap, baking soda, white vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide.

First of all put some dish soap in a sprayer bottle of warm water. To ramp up the cleaning power, add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the mixture. 

Spray the solution on the affected area and let it dwell for 30 minutes

Rinse the area using a terry cloth and warm water

Dip a dry section of the terry cloth into some rubbing alcohol and blot away the remainder of the stain

Rinse the area again using a terry cloth and warm water

Let the treated area air dry

Finish with a Rinse

The cleaning process may need to be repeated several times for stubborn coffee stains.


Carpet Cleaning

Here’s How to Get Rid of Wet Carpet Smell

Here’s How to Get Rid of Wet Carpet Smell


When humidity has taken hold of your carpet, the musty smell permeates everything. It’s an annoying thing to deal with – but not as difficult to get rid of as you might think. Depending on the severity, you can use household products to bring back the clean smell, or if it’s really bad, you may have to request the services of a carpet cleaner in Northampton.  If your situation fits the former, we’ve got you covered with these tips to eliminate the damp odor.


Method #1: Baking Soda


Baking soda is a go-to for cleaning, and that includes eliminating the musty smell left behind by a wet carpet.


  • Sprinkle baking soda onto the carpet, carefully spreading it with a brush, broom, or sponge, making sure that the powder gets deep into the carpet. Baking soda absorbs odors and moistures, making for a great solution.
  • Leave it for a few hours, preferably overnight.
  • Grab your trusty vacuum cleaner and use it over the entire area, vacuuming until the baking soda has been removed.


Method #2: Commercial Carpet Shampoo


If the first method doesn’t seem to do the trick, there are some great carpet shampoos on the market that just might. They can be found at your nearest grocery store or online.


  • Buy a commercial carpet shampoo, making sure it’s the right one for your type of carpet.
  • Follow the instructions on the shampoo’s packaging.
  • Let sit and wait for results.


Method #3: Make Your Own Cleaning Solutions

If you’re more of a do-it-yourself person, you can make cleaning extracts with household items, like vinegar. If mold is an issue, don’t worry: vinegar is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic, making for a great solution.


  • In a clean spray bottle, mix two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of plain white vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Shake the mix thoroughly and apply it to your carpet.
  • Once the mixture has dried, vacuum the entire carpet.


If you have 3% hydrogen peroxide hanging around, you can also use it to make a cleaning solution that works well in home carpet cleaning machines, getting rid of the damp smell.


  • Mix four tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of dye-free soap, adding the mixture to six coups of hot water.
  • Add to your carpet cleaning machine and follow the directions.

If you don’t have a carpet cleaning machine, you can still use 3% hydrogen peroxide and vinegar to clean your carpet by hand.

  • In a clean bottle, mix a quarter cup of white vinegar with one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of dye-free soap. Fill up the rest of the bottle with warm water.
  • Before using it on the entire area, test the cleaner on a small, hidden spot on the carpet, especially if it’s a darker color. Remember that hydrogen peroxide can cause discoloration in large amounts.
  • Let sit for a while before blotting it up with a dry towel and wait 24 hours. If no discoloration occurs, it’s safe to use on the entire carpet.

Method #4: Prevention

One of the best ways to make sure your carpet smells clean is to prevent mold and dampness. Use these tricks to maintain the cleanliness of your carpet.

  • Keep the carpet dry, as humidity is one of the main causes of wet carpet smell. Keep the room well-ventilated, using a fan or opening windows.
  • Baking soda can absorb moisture and odors, even when not directly placed on the carpet. Keep an open box of baking soda in the room, preventing mold and mildew.
  • You might find it helpful to consult a professional carpet cleaning service like ours. We can clean, and deodorise your carpet, as well as deal with problematic stains such as coffee stains, or tomato sauce stains.
  • If need be and it’s possible, you can remove the carpet for cleaning. In extreme cases, this is an option, although you’ll probably have to replace the padding underneath the carpet.
  • If all else fails, you might need to discard the damaged carpet. If mold and mildew have taken over the area, replacing it is the best option to prevent health issues and the damp smell.
Carpet Cleaning

How to Get Red Wine Out of Carpet?

Red wine- how incomplete a gathering or your leisure time sounds without it, isn’t it? As red wine is almost a must for all gatherings, so are its stains. Yes, these are bound to spill from your or your guest’s delicate wine glass leaving behind an unsightly stain. And like coke stains and ketchup stains they can be a right pain to remove.

If you are lucky enough, you’ll notice it immediately and get a chance to act. If not, then worry not, you may work upon it the next day too-only the task will be a bit more tedious.

Following are some hacks that can be super helpful to you plus the good news is it involves all the tools readily available in your kitchen.

  1. Using SALT to remove the stain:

Amid the hustle-bustle at your place, try to take out a moment for your dear carpet and quickly absorb most of the spilt red wine with a paper towel or white cloth.

  • Since you’ll be busy attending to your guests, cover the stain (while it is fresh) with a good amount of salt.
  • Leave it overnight and see what wonders it has done by the next day. You will notice the salt has crystallized and turned pink, this indicates absorption of wine.
  • Scoop up the salt crystals. Use a vacuum for whatever remains.

  • Using BAKING SODA to remove the stain:
  • Soak as much of the wine as possible with a piece of cloth or paper towel.
  •  Sprinkle baking soda over the stain, enough to cover the wine.
  • Let it rest for a few minutes then pour some cold water on baking soda.
  • With a damp cloth, blot the stained area repeatedly.

Remember: Do not scrub as it will further push down the wine into the carpet’s fibre.

  • Using CLUB SODA to remove the stain:

Club soda is one of the safest options to use after plain water if you are worried about the discolouration of your carpet.

  • Simply blot the excess red wine with a cloth or paper towel.
  • Next, pour club soda over the stain.
  • Blot again.
  • Pour more club soda and repeat the process until the stain dissipates.

  • Using HYDROGEN PEROXIDE to remove the stain:

Ideally, hydrogen peroxide should be used on light-coloured carpets; preferably white as it causes discolouration. Therefore always try out the mixture on an inconspicuous area first. In case of discolouration, drop the idea of using hydrogen peroxide and rather go for an option with a comparatively lighter base.

Take the following steps if no colour damage is done:

  • Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide to one part clear dishwashing soap.
  • Apply the mixture to the red wine-stained carpet.
  • Wait for a couple of minutes, and then blot.
  • Repeat, until the stain completely lifts off the carpet.

How to remove DRIED red wine stains?

The chances of red wine stain coming into notice after it has dried are pretty much more. Fortunately, it can still be removed with the right solution. The stain can be tackled with dish soap, vinegar and warm water.

  • Combine ½ teaspoon of dish soap and ½ teaspoon of vinegar with 2 cups of warm water.
  • Load up the sponge and blot the stained area repeatedly.
  • With a clean towel, dry the area.
  • Spritz cold water on it and dry it again with a clean towel.

Spot test the vinegar on a discreet carpet area, to see any discolouration happens. If yes, then do not use vinegar.

Despite trying out all the home remedies, some stains just don’t come out.  They may have fully settled in your carpet’s fibre. In such cases, it’s better to let the carpet cleaning professionals do their job.

Carpet Cleaning

Easy Methods for Removing Coke Stains from Carpet

The best way to avoid stained carpets is to be extra careful when eating, drinking (especially red wine), or walking on them after being outside walking in mud or dirt . Small spills can ruin your day and make you have to spend the rest of the day cleaning up carpet stains. However, accidents do happen. The best course of action is to request the services of a professional carpet cleaner. But if time is of the essence and you need to clean your carpet urgently, here’s how to remove cola stains from the carpet.

Detailed Instructions for Removing Coke Stains from Carpet

Technique #1

What you’ll need?

Here are the tools and supplies you’ll need to get the carpets clean:

  • The water should be warm
  • A can of club soda
  • White cloths or towels that are clean and dry
  • Any vacuum cleaner that is capable of vacuuming wet surfaces (both specialized and general)
  • If used: liquid dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and ammonia


1. As soon as you find the coke, you should treat the carpet immediately – don’t let it soak into the carpet since it will be harder to remove.

2. Use a clean cloth or towel to wipe the stained area. If you work from the outside in, be careful not to spread the soda too far. Be careful not to scrub the carpet too hard as this may result in the soda soaking into it further.

The carpet may need to be raked if it is flattened or matted to widen the spaces between the carpet fibers, making it easier to remove the Coca-Cola stains.

You may clean your carpet with your vacuum if you vacuum your wet surfaces too.

  1. Spray the carpet with club soda. Spray just a little so the rug doesn’t get soaked.
  2. Remove wet materials and let them dry.
  3. Remove excess stains by vacuuming or blotting. As a result of the detergent, a vacuum cleaner will scoop up all the dried bits on the carpet.
  4. Make one teaspoon of liquid dish detergent mixture and 2 cups of warm water if the stain is not removed.
  5. Do not soak the carpet with detergent.
  6. Give it about five minutes to sit.
  7. Buff gently the area that has been treated.
  8. Use warm water to rinse the carpet.
  9. Using hydrogen peroxide and water to remove the stain again if that didn’t remove it before. It would help if you didn’t use hydrogen peroxide on colorful carpets since it has a bleaching effect. Make sure you only use it if your carpet is light-colored – if someone spills on it, it won’t be as apparent as if their carpet were dark.
  10. Clean the affected area with hydrogen peroxide.
  11. Block off light by covering the area with a thick towel. This will prevent hydrogen peroxide from becoming reactive.
  12. Wait 30 minutes before using the area. Watch for color loss and check the stain every 30 minutes.
  13. After 30 minutes sprinkle warm water over the carpet without soaking it. If you notice the color loss or if 30 minutes have elapsed, repeat the procedure.
  14. Clean the mess up.
  15. To prevent the recurrence of skin infections, mix 1 cup warm water with 1/4 cup clear ammonia. Preparing a mixture equally composed of vinegar and water will also be necessary.
  16. Clean the stained area with ammonia mixture. Avoid soaking carpets.
  17. Buff the carpet gently or stroke it gently.
  18. Do not soak the carpet when applying the vinegar mix.
  19. You should use water to rinse the carpet. Avoid soaking it.
  20. Clean up any remaining debris on the carpet with a vacuum or a blower.

Depending on the stain, you may need to repeat the method multiple times to remove it. It would help if you used the lightest solution on your carpet – heavier solutions will damage it.

You can keep doing this until you don’t see any improvement with each pass. Once that happens, move on to the next step.

This method has the advantage of having readily available supplies and tools. In addition, as its base form doesn’t contain hydrogen peroxide or other harmful substances, this method is relatively light.

If your base guide doesn’t work, you will have to use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and vinegar.

If your carpet came with the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions, make sure to read them. If certain substances or chemicals need to be avoided, you will learn about them from these guides.

Technique #2

You can try another method if you require supplies for the first method but do not have access to them or otherwise are unable to use it to clean your carpet.

What you’ll need?

This method requires the following items:

  • The water should be warm
  • Vinegar of white color
  • Laundry detergent that does not contain chlorine
  • White cloths or towels
  • Cleaning with vacuum cleaners


1. Using a clean white cloth or towel, wipe the stained area. Don’t scrub the carpet; blot from the edges to the center.

If your vacuum cleaner can handle wet surfaces, you may use it.

  1. 1 cup of warm water and 1/4 tsp of gentle detergent.
  2. You need equal parts vinegar and warm water.
  3. Scrub the stained area carefully with the detergent mixture. If applying it using a towel, dampen it in the mix and lightly press it into the affected area.
  4. Wait 15 minutes before vacuuming the carpet.
  5. Use a second dry cloth to pat the stain until it has become dry.
  6. Using a cloth, gently wipe the stain with the vinegar solution.
  7. Apply the cloth to the soda stain. Use the fabric you used to apply the vinegar to cover the area.
  8. Let the cloth sit for 15 minutes with a heavy object on top.
  9. Clean and dry the stain with a cloth.
  10. You may need to repeat this step.

Technique #3

The following method may work if the above methods do not or if you do not have the supplies.

What you’ll need?

To remove coke stains, you’ll need the following things:

  • Cold water
  • It would help if you did not use bleach in liquid laundry detergent, as it will damage your carpet. Liquid laundry detergent also needs to be precise.
  • White cloths or towels that are clean and dry
  • Cleaning with vacuum cleaners
  • The removal of carpet stains is an optional step


  1. Blot as much soda as you can from the affected area. If you decide to scrub, rub only a little from the edges and apply too much pressure.
  2. Make a solution for your heavy-duty laundry detergent and cold water. Mix 1/4 teaspoon detergent with 1/2 cup cold water.
  3. Blot the stain with the mixture again after applying for the medicine. You can also use a clean towel.

Warm water is not needed for heavy-duty detergents since the enzymes do not require high water temperatures.

  1. Make sure the area has completely dried after treatment.
  2. Use a vacuum to remove all dirt and debris.

You could try adding a carpet stain remover to the mixture if the above steps didn’t solve your problem completely. Surfactants are added to carpet stain removers to enhance cleaning effectiveness.

Various carpet stain removers come with different instructions, so make sure to read them carefully.

If it doesn’t work, increase the amount only if it is not working. Using a carpet stain remover in excess may lead to build up and make removal more difficult.

In addition, you can pass the carpet more than once. A single-pass often isn’t enough to remove coke stains. If improvement is not seen, repeat the step.

Carpet Cleaning

How to Get Mud Out of Carpet

If you own a dog or cat as a pet, rainy days may not really be your best ones. Yeah, not only will you have a hard time keeping your pets out of the rain, but you’ll also have to deal with the muddy mess they’ll make when they decide to return indoors.

And my!

That muddy mess cannot be any more annoying than when it is made on your light-colored rug!

Not exciting, right?

But relax, this article is dedicated to showing you how to get the mud out of carpet. Just read on; you won’t be mad at your furry Chihuahua or your innocent toddler for long.

Baking Soda and Dishwashing Soap Magic

  1. Begin by ensuring that your hands are well protected from the germs chaperoning the mud.
  2. Bring all the clay together, ensuring you do not press them further into the carpet.
  3. Now, generously pour some salt and baking soda mixture on the stained area, and allow to sit for about 2 hours. After two hours, suck up the mixture with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Use a clean microfiber towel to soak some warm water and dishwashing soap mixture on the stained area. Allow the liquid mix to dissolve the leftover stain, and then blot with another dry towel.
  5. Continue step 4 until the stain is completely gone, and then air dry the rug.

Isopropyl Alcohol

If your carpet is of a darker color shade or has a combination of both light and dark shade colors, you may want to skip this method. However, it still wouldn’t hurt to test this remover on a section of your rug that is hidden from plain sight. If you notice it doesn’t cause any discoloration, you can give it a try.

  1. Sweep off mud dust and lumps from the area. Be careful not to spread the wet mud onto other areas of your carpet.
  2. Soak a clean microfiber towel with several drops of isopropyl alcohol, and then blot the mud stain with it.
  3. When the stain is completely removed, clean off the isopropyl with a towel soaked with clean water, and allow the carpet to dry.

Kitchen Supplies for Red Mud

What if your precious carpet got stained with red clay mud? More reasons to panic? Maybe a little, because red soil is usually not friendly on your carpet compared to other types of clay. You’ll need to be patient here.

  1. Start by air drying the stain and vacuuming as many lumps and dust as you can.
  2. Use a powdered stain remover to give the area a generous dab of pretreatment. A small toothbrush or sponge should do here.
  3. Now, combine one cup of white vinegar and 3 tsp of salt or water and dishwashing detergent. Place the mixture you choose on the stain, and allow it to stand for more than one hour. Leaving the mixture on the spot overnight will be a brilliant idea.
  4. Rinse off the mixture using a wet microfiber towel (to protect your carpet, go for white towels).
  5. Allow the carpet to dry thoroughly.

Get Professional Help

If you’re too busy to get on your fours to get the mud out of your carpet, there are folks out there whose job it is to do so for you. Getting professional carpet cleaning help in Northampton is the easiest way to rid your carpet of annoying mud stains without having to be careful about damaging it, and we can tackle several other common carpet related issues as well, such as coke stains, tea stains and foul odours. Give us a call today if you need help with your carpets.

Carpet Cleaning

The Most Effective Ways on How to Get Tea Stains out of Carpet

Being a tea lover, it’s no secret that most times you have a cup in your hand.  Whether you are drinking peppermint, green or black tea, there is nothing that beats sipping a hot cup of tea on a cold day.

Unfortunately, while enjoying your cup of tea, you accidentally spill some of it on your carpet. For a minute you are wondering how to get the tea stains out of the carpet.

Luckily, most items found in your kitchen will come in handy when getting the tea stains out of your carpet.

 From table salt, club soda, baking powder, and white vinegar among others you will take care of the mess without anyone being the wiser.

Now, let’s have a look at the effective ways to get rid of the tea stains out of your carpet.

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpet Using Salt and Club Soda

Salt and club sodas are essential items found in every home. Apart from cooking and refreshing our thirsts respectively, these items are also great at getting rid of instant tea stains from your carpet.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Start by absorbing as much tea spill as possible using a dry cloth
  2. Cover the stained area with a substantial amount of salt and let it absorb the remaining liquid stain.
  3. Pour a bit of club soda being careful not to soak the carpet
  4. Spray the stained area with cold water and then blot the spot with a clean towel.
  5. Leave it to air dry for some minutes
  6. Finally, repeat the above step if the stain doesn’t fully come out until it completely vanishes.

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpet with Baking Soda

A popular stain remover, baking powder is also a weapon of choice when it comes to getting rid of tea stains out of your carpet.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Find a bowl and pour a cup of baking powder into it
  2. Dampen a dishcloth and dip it into the baking powder
  3. Make sure you coat the damp cloth with enough baking powder and then apply the paste to the tea-stained area.
  4. After some minutes, rinse the stained area with cold water
  5. In case the stain is still visible, repeat steps 1 to 4 again.
  6. Pat dry the area with a dry cloth

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpet with White Vinegar

A great multipurpose cleaning solution it can remove several stains including nail polish stains, coffee stains , and it is also ideal for getting tea stains out of your carpet.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of distilled vinegar with a tablespoon of water in a bowl.
  2. Put the solution in a spray bottle and shake the bottle thoroughly
  3. Spray the solution on the stained area while avoiding soaking it and then allow it to sit for an hour.
  4. Use a white cloth to gently rub the solution in the  carpet fibers
  5. sponge the area with cold water to remove the smell of vinegar
  6. After that, blot the area with a dry towel for some minutes
  7. Repeat the above steps if the stain is not completely gone

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpet Using Dish Soap

Another great option to get tea stains out of the carpet is dish soap. When combined with white vinegar, the soap gets deeper into the fabric thus boosting the cleaning effect.

Steps to Follow:

  1. First off, blot the tea stain as much as you can with a clean dry cloth
  2. Secondly, mix 1 tablespoon of dish soap, 2 cups of cold water, and distilled white vinegar into a bowl.
  3. Next, apply the mixture to the tea-stained area while using a clean cloth. Gently scrub the area until it becomes completely clean.
  4. Use a dry cloth to remove excess moisture from the stained spot.
  5. Then, spritz cold water onto the spot; soak it with a clean cloth until the solution is removed.
  6. Lastly, let the carpet air dry and then vacuum the stained spot.

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Carpet Using Borax

Borax is a perfect cleaner to use when getting tea stains out of the carpet.  Just make sure if you own a dark carpet to first test the Borax on the hidden part of your carpet to ensure it doesn’t discolor it.

Steps to Follow:

  1. Wet the stained spot with a spray bottle containing cold water. In case you don’t have a spray bottle, press gently a damp cloth on the spot.
  2. Use a spoon to sprinkle Borax over the stained area.
  3. Then, place a wet cloth on top of the Borax so that the entire area is covered with it.
  4. Afterwards, use a spoon to apply pressure on the wet cloth that is on top of the stained area.
  5. Blot the area with a clean cloth to soak up both the Borax and tea stains, and then use the spray bottle to lightly wet the carpet again.
  6. Finally, dab the spot with a dry cloth until almost all the moisture is gone, and then vacuum the spot.

Final Words

No matter how careful you are, you can’t always protect your carpet from tea stains.

Nevertheless, with these effective ways, you will successfully get the tea stains out of your carpet as long as you address it immediately. Just make sure to follow the steps carefully to avoid ruining your carpet even more. If, however you come across a particularly stubborn tea stain, or a mud stain that just won’t budge. Give us a call for premium carpet cleaning in Northampton. We’re here to solve your carpet cleaning problems.

Carpet Cleaning

How to Remove Nail Polish from Carpet

You were most likely in the middle of a DIY nail care session when some polish found its way onto your precious rug. Undoubtedly, this can quickly turn your DIY nail care into a nightmare – especially when you’re getting dark polish shades.

And the worst part of a nail polish spill is that nail polish dries pretty fast, a lot faster than say a tea stain,  and can leave a nearly indelible stain when dried.

So, what do you do when your DIY salon procedure backfires on your carpet? Read on to discover how to remove nail polish from your carpet.

Quickly Contain the Stain

As soon as some of your manicure lacquer finds itself on your furry or oriental rug, it’s pretty normal to fret. You may also want to reflexively turn your entire bottle of nail polish remover on the stain. But don’t. All you should do at this point is get your nail polish and other accessories out of the way and try to contain the stain.

Things You’ll Need:

  • A soft brush
  • Microfiber or paper towels
  • Vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Credit card or bread knife
  • Baking soda
  • A can of ginger ale
  • Acetone and dye-free nail polish remover (which you probably already have when you spilled your nail polish)

If you spilled only a few drops of nail polish on your tapestry, a paper towel would be handy in blotting out the stain. But be extra careful not to spread the polish to other areas of your carpet.

However, if your nail polish bottle tipped over and turned half its content on your carpet, you’ll want to be more careful here. Gently scoop up the excess polish using a small knife or the edge of your credit card (not the side with the chip, please!). And to avoid spreading the nail polish, scoop from the outside toward the center of the stained area.

Use Your Nail Polish Remover

Yes, you may not have to search beyond your manicure and pedicure kits to find a solution to your nail polish nightmare. But before you take any more steps, confirm that your carpet will not get damaged by the remover.

Locate a section of your carpet that is sort of hidden, and then dab some nail polish remover (dye and acetone-free) onto a tiny portion of that section. If your carpet isn’t white or light-colored, or if the remover changes its color, then you should try other removal methods. But if the carpet doesn’t get a discoloration, then you’re good to go.

Now soak up a small part of a microfiber cloth with the remover and gently blot the nail polish from the carpet. Try not to rub too hard, or you’ll move the stain deeper into the carpet’s fabrics.

Baking Soda and Ginger Ale

As soon as you’re done cleaning off excess nail polish from your carpet, dust some baking soda over the stain, and top it up with a few drops of ginger ale. Allow the mixture to sit for about 10 minutes – don’t worry, the baking soda will ensure that your rug doesn’t smell like a ginger farm.

After 10 minutes, gently scrub the area using a soft brush, and afterward, a clean towel soaked in clean water.

Dishwashing Liquid Mixture

In addition to keeping your dishes squeaky clean, your regular dish soap also comes very handily in keeping your carpet stain-free. Mix a small amount of it in warm water, and let it sit on the fresh nail polish stain. If the stain has dried up, you may first need to dab the area with cotton wool soaked in nail polish remover before using the dish soap.

Afterward, rinse the cleaned area with water, and allow it to air dry.


You can call vinegar your carpet’s best friend. It is suitable for nearly all kinds of stains, including fresh and dry nail polish patches, as well as shoe polish stains. So spray generous amounts of this solution onto your stained carpet. Soak a clean towel with some more vinegar, cover the area with it, and allow to sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, clean up the vinegar + the nail polish using a clean towel. Rinse off the area with a clean towel and clean water, and then allow it to dry correctly.

What If Your Carpet is Too Delicate for all the Above?

Some carpets are made from pretty delicate materials that harsh chemicals can easily damage, so be careful when using these tips. If the above methods do not remove nail polish out of your carpet, seek the help of our professional carpet cleaning company in Northampton. We know how to remove stains without damaging your carpet.